Increasing Student Performance Starts with Understanding Performance Data

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Student performance on state tests has a direct correlation with their college readiness and the future economy of El Paso. As parents, educators and a community, we must work together to ensure all students have the ability to excel in school. Unfortunately, El Paso County is not graduating nearly enough students that are ready for college or 21st century careers. That needs to change in order for students to compete for better paying jobs, and for El Paso to have the workforce needed to move our region forward.  

The Texas 60×30 strategic plan aims to increase educational attainment across Texas with a goal of having 60% of all Texans ages 25-34 with a post-secondary degree or certificate by 2030. Currently in El Paso County, only 20% of all students obtain a college degree after graduating from high school. One factor that contributes to this low college attainment rate is that too many El Paso students are not college-ready by the time they graduate high school, which lowers their chances of enrolling in college in the first place and succeeding in college eventually.

While data isn’t the most attractive thing to discuss; it is a powerful tool to help us understand whether or not students are on a path towards college and career success. CREEED looks at data provided by the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) exams to measure yearly progress and help parents and the El Paso community make sense of this data.

The 2022 data tells us that there are still significant gaps that need to be addressed if we want to give El Paso students the opportunity to enroll and succeed in college. You can review the data we compiled on our website Data page. Additionally, we’ve created the below handouts for parents to gain a better understanding of how well their child’s school district and individual school is doing in educating students at the MEETS standards level. 


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If you’re a community organization or business, reach out to us on our Contact page to let us know you’re interested in being part of the solution. 


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