El Paso School Finder Launches

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CREEED is proud to officially launch a critical new tool for parents and guardians in our community: El Paso School Finder. El Paso School Finder is the first and only regional tool to help parents find and compare free public schools in El Paso County. 

The decision about which school is best for your child is significant. We have listened to parents throughout El Paso who have expressed the need for an easy-to-use, comprehensive tool that will help address an unmet need in the community: access to information. El Paso School Finder showcases schools across the region in an easy-to-use format and highlights what each school offers so parents can find the best school for their child.

School Finder is launching with a database of more than 240 free public Pre-K-12 schools and is designed to make searching simple. Visitors can search by their district, zip code, or address or the best fit for their child, which includes grade level or specific school programs, such as on-site after-school care, STEM classes, and more. El Paso School Finder provides a way to search, view, and compare detailed information on schools, with links for how to enroll.

We know how important it is for parents to understand the schools and educational opportunities across the region to find the best fit for their child. This includes understanding how well each school is performing, according to student’s meeting state educational standards. In addition to unique school offerings, each profile will consist of academic performance data pulled from public statewide records.

We have worked with all nine districts in the region to ensure information is current and that all public schools can promote and highlight programs, awards, and particular subjects and services offered. Schools can and are encouraged to promote their offerings and accomplishments to differentiate themselves from other schools in the region. Our community’s schools have so much to offer, and we are proud to create a platform to highlight the opportunities available.

El Paso School Finder will be the first stop for any parents searching for a public school for their children, and we have designed this resource to present information in a way that is simple, yet useful, allowing parents to make the right choice for their child.

For more information on El Paso School Finder, please visit :https://www.elpasoschoolfinder.com/

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